Website launched!

Me in 2020.

Me in 2020.

By increasing demand and after much procrastination I have decided the time is right to launch a website, from where you can see more of my work. At the same time I’ve taken the decision to make some of my prints available to purchase. So effectively I’ve started two websites - one with Squarespace and another on Shopify. 

Having the faith and confidence in my photographs is not something that comes easily. I haven't come from a Masters in photography, nor been staking out a career as a jobbing photographer. I'm not part of the photo art world, (despite owning a vast and eclectic photography book collection). I've just been taking photos my whole life as a side passion to my 'regular' life, which was all but consumed by a corporate role.

A little over a year ago I quit my job after so many years missing the freedom of a summer. Without a clear purpose I had the idea only to recuperate from so many years of relentless work, to travel, take photographs and spend time with family. Then Covid came along, separated us and kept us all indoors - and curtailed most of the plans I'd been brewing for my year of freedom. 

With all this indoor time, why then did it take me so long to launch my website? To put it briefly - self doubt. Doubt that anyone would be interested, doubt that my photos were any good, or had the emotional depth I wanted. Like anyone without inherent chutzpah I didn't know if I could pull it off. But after creating and releasing my first zine, Poolland, which has already (as of now) almost sold out, I had a realisation that the demand and appreciation for my photography exists alongside and in spite of my self doubt. And that's a humbling and revelatory experience to have. It was time I pulled my finger out and put it out there, scary though it is.

I'm launching my print sales with my Apnoea series, although there are so many other facets to my photographs. But you've got to start somewhere, right? I've given myself a crash course in website building, and it's onwards from here. Thank you for being here!


Apnoea, the zine release.